Welcome to Rugs of the World's exclusive collection, where every rug tells a unique story of craft, design, and opportunity. Here, you’ll discover our rare finds - beautiful rugs that represent the final chance to own a piece of weaving art no longer available in other colors or sizes. Seize the opportunity to bring a distinct piece into your home, knowing it’s the last of its kind.

We've spent decades curating a selection of rugs that not only adorn homes but carry forward a legacy of craftsmanship. This exclusive online collection showcases our unique treasures: rugs that are the final ambassadors of their kind. Each piece in this collection is a testament to the beauty and craftsmanship that will no longer be replicated, making your purchase a moment of capturing history.

Featured Combo

Interior sitting area with Hand-Knotted Wool Deco Tibetan Rug on floor, mushroom tone sofa with purple accent pillows, and contemporary painting by Jai on wall
  • Vintage Rugs: Always in Style

         In the ever-evolving world of interior design, some elements withstand the test of time, effortlessly weaving a thread through different trends and fads. Vintage rugs, with their timeless charm...

    Vintage Rugs: Always in Style

         In the ever-evolving world of interior design, some elements withstand the test of time, effortlessly weaving a thread through different trends and fads. Vintage rugs, with their timeless charm...

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Exterior photo of Rugs of the World's storefront at night.

Tampa Showroom

Are you in the Tampa Bay area? Stop by and view thousands more exquisite rugs available in various sizes at our main showroom located at 3643 W Waters Ave Tampa, Fl 33614